Here is what is so disappointing about this post, from someone who knew you well.

This is such a self-serving post that, to me, is a perfect example of your own deteriorating sense of self and talent.

You were (once) a pretty (!) good journalist who covered things that actually matter and took aim at evil people doing evil things. As your friend and as a fan of your work, I was so impressed with your ability to deal with it all, and when you could no longer, I understood that too.

Since then, like a knife that has not been sharpened, you have dulled yourself and posted dumb, vane, inane posts (mostly about dates) that strain credulity.

This was the final straw for me because of how many problematic tropes you were able to hit in one, short post:

1. Ooo men were mean to me so now I am cool with dating women (women date women bc they love women, not because they are your back up plan)

2. Ooooo another of my girlie idols who im too old to fan girl the way I do say its cool to be bi so now im comfotable joining your much maligned community

3. Ooooo me being queer is a great moment for me to self promote because my career is no longer that interesting or impressive, my mild, boring takes on mild, boring TV get no buzz, and more than anything else I need you guys to LOOK AT ME

I will no longer bc following your work and counting you as one of my friends. Good Bye.

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Excuse me? Lmao bye! I'm positive we were never friends :)

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i am one of your (few) queer friends and i really think you should apologize for this post. Our sexuality is not a social club you are joining and the anxiety you feel about your life does not excuse this behavior. "foreign and dangerous" as a description for queer women is very obviously offensive, but hey its about looking at you!

If you want the attention you so desparately seek, maybe be funnier or have a better career, or better yet maybe selfies and made up date stories aren't the way for you to judge your self worth.

And please please please drop the gen z AAVE. Jesus christ youre cringe.

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lol you deleted your response because you were worried it revealed you have very few if any queer friends/understanding of the queer community. But any queer person who reads this post can already tell this.


even in this post you only internalize and understand your attraction to women through your lens of male rejection.

I cannot stress again and again how offensive this is.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Author

you are willfully misinterpreting my words to fit your narrative because you obviously hate me. that's okay, you can hate me. i have been doxxed by candace owens, yelled at by don jr's lawyer, harassed by malcolm gladwell, etc etc. so i really don't care if you hate me. but you are wrong about me, for what it's worth.

i know for a fact that we are not friends because it's simply not correct to suggest that i have "very few if any queer friends." my actual friends, many of whom are queer (lmao not that that is your business at all?) immediately said this revealed that you're not someone who knows me, now or ever.

i deleted my response -- in which i said something to the effect of 'what the fuck are you talking about' -- because it didn't feel productive, and because i do not want to/need to engage with you.

that tweet you linked was meant as a joke, a very common joke for bisexual/queer women to make, posted when i was actually not out of the closet. i was literally testing the waters of coming out publicly, as a person who has previously posted a lot about dating men. it was the first thing i ever posted online about dating women. i do not understand my attraction to women through my lens of male rejection.

i have struggled with internalized homophobia my entire life and not allowed myself the queer joy i deserve. i'm so lucky to have so many beautiful queer friends, since i was a little kid and through today, who have inspired me to be myself and are so happy for me that i am finally living my truth.

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